Can Cats Eat Popcorn?
When it comes to popcorn, I’ve noticed that people seem to be split into two camps: those who love the crunchy treat and those who don’t like it at all. Regardless of your opinion on popcorn, you may be curious about whether or not your cat can eat popcorn or not. This article will explain how cats digest popcorn and whether they should eat it or not. Read on to learn more!
The warmth and scent of freshly popped popcorns can whet anyone’s appetite – including your pet’s. It shouldn’t be surprising if your cat starts nudging at your feet the moment you take a bowl full of popcorns out of the microwave oven. You might be tempted to toss a handful of your scrumptious snack to them as well. After all, your feline friend probably has a share in various other foods you eat. But the question arises, can cats eat popcorn?
It’s a familiar scenario for virtually every cat owner out there. You are lounging comfortably with your cat by your side, watching your favorite movie or television show with a bucket of popcorns to munch on. Engrossed in the show, you stuff a handful of popcorn into your mouth. But then you hear a crunching sound. Looking down, you notice your cat enjoying a few stray kernels that fell to the ground. If you have never willingly given popcorn to your cat before, this is when you are likely to find yourself asking alarmingly, ‘is popcorn safe for cats?’
If you are wondering whether or not cats can eat popcorn, it’s essential to know that the answer is not a simple yes or no.
Popcorn is one of those human foods that may be safe for some cats but not for others. In addition to the type of popcorn (plain, flavored, air-popped etc.), there are various other factors that affect the safety of this human food item for their four-legged companions.
Broadly speaking, you would probably be well aware that any food that is not specifically meant for pets can be dangerous for your cat. It can affect their digestive system and cause vomiting and stomach ache. It can also lead to diarrhea and result in loss of appetite.
However, since popcorn is safe for humans, many pet owners wonder if it’s okay for their cats to eat popcorn too.
Can Cats Eat Popcorn? The Quick Answer
As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to keep popcorn away from your feline friends. Be it air-popped, standard, seasoned or unseasoned popcorn, you should avoid giving this snack to cats, no matter what their age or breed.
This is because eating popcorn carries the risk of choking. It also presents different digestive hazards that these pets might not be able to handle on their own.
However, as we said earlier, it may be safe to give your cat popcorn under certain circumstances. Let’s take a more detailed look at the subject to see when it is okay to give your cat popcorn and when it’s not.
When Is Popcorn Safe for Cats?
Before we go deeper into the discussion, it’s important to note that popcorn, in itself, isn’t toxic to cats. Certain kinds of popcorn toppings or flavors can pose a health hazard for cats. But plain popcorn won’t poison your pet.
Many commercial brands of cat food use corn as a filler ingredient. So, technically, it won’t hurt your cat if you toss them a few popcorns every time you are enjoying the snack yourself.
However, popcorn, like regular corn, does not really confer many benefits upon your pets in terms of nutrition. If you air-fry popcorn at home, it is generally safe to give some to your cat. You can even treat them with store-bought popcorns occasionally. Just make sure that they are plain and preferably air-popped.
When Is Popcorn Bad for Cats?
Popcorn can be extremely harmful to cats if it contains additives that are dangerous for them. For instance, popcorn topped with caramel or similar sticky syrups should be avoided as it can cause your pet to choke. Gourmet popcorn that contains candy coatings, marshmallows, and chocolate are always bad for cats. Similarly, you should not give salted and buttered popcorn to cats as it can lead to digestive problems.
Moreover, you must avoid brands that add in garlic or onion powders. These ingredients can cause severe stomach issues. Plus, they can also be toxic for some cat breeds.
Kittens are particularly sensitive to artificial ingredients. So, all keep microwaveable varieties of popcorn away from them.
Corn vs. Popcorn – Nutritional Value for Cats
Giving popcorn to cats is usually a huge concern for pet owners who are advocates of vegetarian diets. To keep it short, you shouldn’t really subject your cat to a pure veg diet. Cats are carnivores. As such, they derive their primary nutrition from the proteins and fats in meat. Nonetheless, they require substantial amounts of fiber, carbs, and other essential nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, and other crops.
When it comes to corn, you will notice that it’s a common ingredient in various pre-packaged cat food items. This is usually the primary reason why pet parents consider giving popcorns to their cats.
What they tend to overlook is that the corn in store-bought cat food is typically field corn. Field corn, also known as maize, is different from the sweet corn we eat off the cob or even from the can. You might mistake maize for kernel or uncooked popcorn. But remember that nutritionally, they are not the same either.
Field corn or maize is rich in natural sugars, protein, carbs, and moisture. Popcorn, on the other hand, has a low amount of sugar, protein, and fiber. It is a good source of carbs and calories, though.
As far as the overall nutritional value of corn and popcorn is concerned, neither offers proper nourishment to your cat.
Simply put, you cannot use popcorn, and even corn for that matter, as a healthy treat or snack for your feline friend. Corn grits and cornmeal are typically added to cat food solely for meeting their daily carbs requirement.
So, Can Cats Eat Popcorn?
To put it in a nutshell, the answer to this question will be both yes and no.
Popcorn isn’t toxic to cats. But that does not necessarily mean that it’s safe for them either.
If you feed your pet commercial cat food, there’s a fair chance they are already eating corn as a filler. Popcorn is different than the processed corn in pet foods. But when it comes to health benefits, both offer very little nutritional value.
In other words, if your cat eats stray popcorn lying around, there’s probably nothing to worry about. However, if you are wondering whether cats can eat popcorn as a treat, it’s better to look into other snack items for your feline friend.
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