Are Pomeranians Good with Cats

Are Pomeranians Good with Cats

If you are wondering are Pomeranians good with cats, you can learn more here with this helpful guide on Pomeranians and cats.

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Are you considering having Pomeranians and cats as pets? Then you must be asking yourself, ‘are Pomeranians friendly with cats?’ Read on to find the answer to your question, along with a wealth of other relevant information.

Are Pomeranians Friendly with Cats?

Owners of Pomeranians or cats – or those planning to adopt them– this is a valid thing to wonder. Cats and Pomeranians are similar in size, and despite their differences, will usually get along well with each other. However, if you wish to have a feline and canine pet living together, there are several guidelines to adhere to, which we will be discussing in this blog. Moreover, you will also learn several tips and tricks that will help you establish a healthy bond between the two pets.

If you own Pomeranians and Cats, here is what you need to do

What to Do About Pomeranians?

If you have a dog that is constantly barking or lashing out at cats, or displays a general intolerance towards them, you might want to reconsider your decision of getting a pet cat. However, if your dog is curious about cats or simply does not care, this is usually a positive indication. 

The next factor is your confidence in your ability to get your dog to obey your commands. If your dog gets tensed in certain situations –situations that require you to intervene and get him to do what you need– then you should always have commands like sit, down, stay, heel, and come in your armory. 

It is crucial to dedicate a lot of time and effort to train your dog to respond to what you say, but almost all owners get to that point sooner or later. Finally, if you have a pet cat neighbor, you need to ask them if you can bring your dog over when visiting. This visit will help you assess the results of your training, allowing you to see the extent to which your dog will adhere to your commands despite being in a room containing a cat. 

What to Do About Cats? 

If you have a Pomeranian and want to get a cat, it is best to bring in a kitten or a young cat. This way, your cat will be around your other pets from a very young age, which will increase the chances of the Pomeranian and the cat becoming excellent friends.

If you consider adopting an adult cat from a shelter, you should find out as much information as possible about the animal. For instance, you should know if the cat has spent any time in homes that contained dogs. Before coming to a decision or making a commitment, make the cat smell a piece of cloth or blanket that belongs to your dog. Scents tend to stick to such items, and if you see the cat expressing a dislike for that scent, you can use that to make your decision.

Certain cats will even hiss when they smell something with a dog’s scent – the hiss is a massive red flag because it indicates animosity. Instead, what you should be looking for is indifference. 

How to Introduce a Cat and a Pomeranian?

If you have done the things discussed in this blog so far, you should expect the first meeting to go well. However, it is impossible to predict the outcome of the meeting, so you should adhere to certain precautions. 

Neither animal should be without its owner –this will ensure supervision, and the owners can take any required direct action. Depending on the initial interaction, the owners might need to be present for the first few times. Once you are sure that there will be no more problems, you can leave the two animals unsupervised. 

A gradual introduction is best. So, before the cat and Pomeranian have their first face-to-face interaction, here are a few things that you can do to make either animal aware of the other’s presence:

The homeowner needs to select a specific room where the dog will stay until it is time for the introduction. Even though you are confining the dog, he should not think that it is a punishment. Ideally, a family member should stay with the dog to keep him occupied or even give him an occasional treat or some new toys to occupy and distract himself with. 

As soon as that is done, it’s time to bring the cat inside and show him around the house. Be sure to make him visit your dog’s sleeping and playing area (as these are the areas where the dog’s scent will be the most intense). Once the tour is complete, let your dog out and allow him to take in the scents that the cat has just left behind. 

After this step, bring the cat and the Pomeranian close together for a brief meeting (do not forget to keep the dog on a leash). Give the cat the opportunity to go back if required. Remember that cats hate getting cornered, and if he gets scared of the dog, he will need to climb or jump to a secure spot.

Of course, the ideal outcome is that the two animals get along perfectly well from the first day. However, this is often too good to be true. So, if they express interest, that is good, but even if they are indifferent, that is more than a decent result. 

If either animal can pretend that the other is simply nonexistent, take it as a positive sign because it shows that neither of the two animals feels scared or threatened in the other’s presence. Unfortunately, once the two animals realize that they will have to live with each other in the same house and not just for a short while, this indifferent attitude might cease to exist. So, it is crucial to keep a close eye on both animals until they are able to accept the situation and each other.

How to Befriend Canines and Felines?

It will take approximately three weeks to determine how your Pomeranian and cat are getting along with each other. If you want to speed up the process of friendship between the two, here are a few things that you can do:

Avoid forcing the pets to become friends. They will do things their way and require you to give them the independence that they need. Forcing them to remain in the same room to catalyze friendship is just going to make them come at each other’s throats. 

Dedicate a separate place for either pet. Even if they do become friends and start to enjoy spending time together, there will be times when they will need their own space and solitude. 

Cats and dogs have very different food requirements and preferences. For instance, cat foods contain a higher percentage of protein and more salts in comparison to dog meals. So, make sure that your dog does not eat your cat’s food, and vice versa. Doing this every once in a while might not hurt much, but if it happens on a regular basis, your pets might end up with health problems like diarrhea or upset stomachs. Also, cats love catnip because of the stimulating effects. However, if your dog ends up eating catnip, it will lead to sedation, water loss, stomach aches, and diarrhea. 

Keep a different eating time for the pets. If you make them eat together, both of them might fear the other pet coming for their food, and you do not want to instigate this stressful event. 

As far as sleeping arrangements go, make sure that your cat has a separate bed out of reach of the dog – at least until you have ascertained that the two can get along together. 

Observe your cat and dog’s relationship for a week; if there are positive signs, give one shot at feeding them together. Eating together will help them create a connection and understand that both are members of a single home or pack. 

If your dog is behaving well around your cat, praise or treat him. This will help your dog learn that this behavior is appreciated and should therefore be replicated. 

Debunked Myths of Dogs and Cats

Several myths concerning cats and dogs have been disproved. Have you lately used the phrase “fighting like cats and dogs”? Although there is some validity to it, it does not apply to all cat and dog breeds.

Some dogs just get along with cats better than others. Pomeranians are one of these breeds.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most prevalent urban legends that we’ve never given much consideration to:

#1: Dogs and Cats Are Natural Adversaries

You may recall seeing cartoons as a kid in which hunter dogs chase cats. These performances would not have been nearly as exciting if it hadn’t been for the pursuit. The cartoons depict life for cats that roamed the streets and dogs that lived in yards.

It’s natural for a dog to pursue an unfamiliar cat out from its area. The excellent thing is that they aren’t indicative of how your cat and dog will interact in your house.

Cats and dogs, particularly if they’ve reached adulthood in the same home, will not regard each other as a danger as a result of domestication.

#2: Cats Are Independent Creatures That Want to Be Alone

Cats are sociable animals that are more friendly than you would believe. That is why they may be a wonderful animal companion for your Pom. Cats are often thought to be antisocial.

What most animal parents don’t realize is that cats are quite picky. It’s not as if cats don’t want to be paid attention to. They do, but they like to pick and choose when it occurs.

These cuddly companions are frequently pleased to be alone. They do, however, need love and attention. Their personalities are all different.

You might have a calm, timid cat or a cat that is highly active and expressive. Your cat may choose to invest additional time with you rather than alone, depending on his or her nature.

Cats sometimes prefer to watch rather than engage in events.

#3: Dogs Are the Only Animals That Can Be Trained

Dogs are renowned for being adoring animals that want to please their masters. This enables training dogs to go on a leash, teach them clever things, and housebreak them much easier.

As cats are more autonomous, they are less concerned about pleasing. They may be taught to use cat litter and scratching posts as well.

You can teach your Pomeranian dog and cat to react to a clicker, which is quite cool. The clicker is often used to reward and encourage good behavior.

You can use a clicker to reward the animal whenever they accomplish whatever you want it to do. The goal is for the cat and Pomeranian puppy to learn to link the clicking noise with positive reinforcement.

Communication Between Cats and Dogs

Puppies and kittens learn how to act from their moms and litter after they are born.

Mother dogs educate their pups on what conduct is appropriate and what is not during this period. Bite inhibition is also taught to Pomeranian puppies, which is crucial in their interactions with other puppies.

The kittens’ mother instructs them on hunting, toileting, and social relations.

The Pomeranian pup and kitten will act differently after being separated from their original homes. That’s reasonable, and there are ways to make canine-feline communication more pleasant.

They will eventually quit being perplexed by the variations in the body language and overall conduct.

Your Pomeranian puppy or cat may be highly talkative while interacting with you. That’s how they pique your interest. You should then watch their conduct on a regular basis in order to decipher it.

Cat Language 

Blinking and shutting its eyes are two actions that your cat does to express its affection. Many individuals mistake this for exhaustion.

It’s not the case. Your cat is enjoying your company if it is sleeping near you on the bed or sofa with its eyes closed. It’s also a sign of confidence.

This is your cat’s way of expressing, ‘I’m at ease in your presence.’


If you’re fortunate enough to touch a kitty and it purrs, it’s a solid indicator of contentment.

Purring, on the other hand, might indicate that the cat is wounded or in pain. When a feline is going to give birth or feeding her litter, this might happen.

Some researchers think it’s because cats purr at a precise frequency that aids in bone healing. Purring with a greater frequency may also aid in the healing of tendons and ligaments.


It’s a show of love when the cat comes up to you and brushes its head down your legs before pushing its head into you.

It may surprise you to learn that this also demonstrates ownership. It’s as if you’re saying, “I adore you, and you’re mine!”


Observing a feline during playfulness is fascinating. Cats normally play in the same way they hunt, with the exception that when they hunt, they move extremely quietly and unnoticed.

To acquire the toy, they basically conceal and leap.

Squeaking in a high-pitched tone suggests playfulness in cats. Another reason your cat could squeak is to let you know it’s hungry.


Even while they’re sleeping, cats are quite observant of their surroundings. To catch the noises surrounding them, each of the ears may travel in separate directions simultaneously.

The cat may become violent if it is very attentive and concentrated. Since the cat seems to be really involved in something, it’s difficult to know when this is occurring.


Aggression is communicated by a cat’s rigid stance, tight jaws, and pointed ears.

Its eyes are also a good indication. If their eyes are wide awake and concentrated, pay attention.

It’s quite typical to conflate a cat’s fear with violence. The difference is that a cat hisses when it is terrifying.

When a cat feels confident in its ability to solve a difficulty, it is silent and exhibits the above-mentioned behaviors.

When you attempt to touch your cat’s tummy, it may get aggressive. Many animal enthusiasts believe that scratching a cat’s tummy is a good idea. Well, not quite.

When a cat exposes its tummy, it is demonstrating that it trusts you and wants to rest in the company.

You could be teasing the cat and disrupting its tranquil moment if you stroke its tummy.

Submission and Fear

When a cat tries to hide its fright by crouching down and lowering its ears, you know it’s scared.

This demonstrates surrender. Give your cat some room if you see it is scared.

Because the two moods are often connected, it may be difficult to distinguish whether your cat is afraid or aggressive.

If a kitty is trapped in an unfavorable circumstance and cannot flee, it will most likely turn violent in order to protect itself. It will curve its back in an effort to seem more frightening. This is designed to make the creature seem bigger, despite the fact that it is in a state of terror.

Meowing for Many Reasons

Meowing is mostly used to get your attention to itself. Its significance varies.

Domestic cats are known for their meowing. This is not a means of communication used by wild cats. Domestic cats probably began employing this technique because humans weren’t very skilled at reading their body language.

If the kitty meows, it is most likely feeling neglected or ignored. On the other side, excessive meowing might indicate that a female cat is already in heat. You should prepare yourselves since this might last for hours.

Pomeranian Dog Language

By studying a Pom’s body language, you may tell how he or she is feeling. The goal is to avoid interpreting your Pomeranian’s behavior via a human lens.

If the Pomeranian yawns, for example, it doesn’t always imply it’s fatigued. Dogs do it because it allows them to reduce their heart rate by yawning.

Your cat, just like you, might be perplexed by your Pomeranian’s antics. It’s up to you to act as a ‘bridge’ between them and the outside world.

Pay special attention to your Pomeranian’s ears, eyes, body, mouth, and tail to ensure you’re on the correct route.


Pomeranians are known for their happiness. Your Pom companion will wag his tail the more delighted it is to meet you.

The tail stands up and the body is calm. You’ll also notice Pomeranians’ incredible, make-you-fall-in-love grin.

It’s important to note that if your Pom is lying down and its posture is frightened or stiff, it’s not a happy indication.

Your Pom’s desire to play is a strong indicator that it is content. Your Pom will next attempt to welcome you by staring you in the eyes, flashing that grin, and circling you energetically.

You’ll very certainly see the playing bow as well. When your Pom’s rear legs are spread out and touching the floor, you know it’s utilizing the play bow.


Dogs are constantly speaking to one another. The more you observe street canines interact, or even your own Pom connect with a canine companion, the more you’ll comprehend the word ‘dog.’

This is especially important if you’re seeing a scenario that might lead to hostility. Understanding what’s going to happen is the only way to stop it before it happens.

Aggression is shown by dogs not only by growling but also by baring their fangs and drawing their ears backward.

The fur on the dog’s spine will be elevated. This makes the dog look larger and more frightening than it really is to the opponent. Because of their lengthy double coat, it’s difficult to see whether Pomeranians’ hair is lifted.

Please remember that a growl from your Pom isn’t always an indication of violence.

The most important method to determine whether or not this is harmful behavior is to check for all of the other indications that go along with it. Is your body in a tight state? Is your Pomeranian showing its fangs?


Your Pom will growl in various situations throughout while they’re playing. It’s demonstrating to you that you must toss a stick or pursue the Pom by doing so.

When the Pom growls while lying down with its paws outstretched, you know it’s time to play.


When a Pom feels afraid, it will attempt to gaze away from the danger.

The idea is that your Pom will look non-threatening to whatever is frightening it.

If you chastise your Pom for something it shouldn’t have done, he’ll probably turn away or drop his head.

Many people believe that the dog is ignoring them. In truth, this may mean anything along the lines of ‘Please don’t injure me.’ ‘I’m not trying to hurt you.’ It’s a kind of submission.

If a Pom gets very frightened, it may begin to yawn to calm itself. It might also start drooling excessively.

Note that a scared dog may become violent if it feels compelled to do so. As a result, it’s advisable to give it a little more room and eliminate whatever is bothering it.


Fear should not be confused with submission. Your dog is merely recognizing who is in authority when he submits.

Your Pom may demonstrate this by turning over and displaying its belly. This is the final message of “I trust you.” By patting your Pom’s tummy and saying “good dog,” you can give it a treat.

If you don’t show your Pom that the submissive conduct is appreciated, the Pom may take submission to new heights. Submissive urination is one example of this. This implies that once you welcome your Pom, it may urinate.

Barking for Various Reasons

Dogs have a higher level of vocalization than cats. There might be a number of reasons why a Pomeranian is barking.

Barking at a newcomer entering the home, barking to express a need to go outdoors, and barking out of playfulness are just a few examples.

Poms are territorial, and they will not be afraid to issue a low-pitched warning bark. Poms may be able to cease barking after they have detected the source of the possible threat.

If the Pom barks in a high-pitched tone, it may be indicating that it needs to go outdoors to relieve itself.

Alternatively, the Pom may be hungry, thirsty, or just want to play. Whatever the case may be, it’s preferable to let your Pom out first so it can discharge.

It should be second nature to respond to your Pom puppy’s high-pitched howls to go outdoors. That’s one approach to get the puppy involved in the toilet training process.

If you don’t have access to a yard, puppy pads may be used in the bathroom.


Instead of barking, you could hear whining. Whining indicates that the Pom is in need of something, like food or a bathroom.

In other situations, it might indicate that the Pom is in pain if it is accompanied by other factors. So keep an eye out, and you’ll be able to figure out what your Pom is attempting to say.


Does it make you think of wolves? If that’s the case, there’s a strong explanation for it. They were the ones who started it. When two wolf packs were separated by a large distance, howling was utilized for communicating.

High-pitched siren noises, such as those of a police vehicle or an ambulance, may be mistaken for the howls of other dogs by your Pom. Then it’ll start howling as well.

The Last Word: Are Pomeranians Friendly with Cats? 

The answer to the question ‘are Pomeranians friendly with cats?’ is a resounding YES. In most cases, cats and Pomeranians are quick to bond and become friends.